Skip from Your menu all flour and grain based items and also leave starch aside, only then You will get to the shape. Eat this and not that and You will be in good shape. One can get really mixed up by different information what to do, in order to be in great shape, have lot`s of energy and good mood. But what is real truth? What a person has to eat, to be all that. Besides, lately wheat has got bad reputation and there is said that You can get tens of different bad things and You can`t be healthy eating wheat. Well, I don`t know, but everywhere should be some kind of balance. In nature, persons life and nutrition. Just by skipping something out of ones diet could be not good idea.
Starting from very beginning and really simplifying about three macro nutrients - proteins, dietary fats and carbohydrates. Protein is needed in our body for amino acids, which are building blocks for our body (saying it really simple). Dietary fats have many roles in humans body (energetic buffer, building block, keeping organs safe, regulating metabolism and even as a solution). Role of carbohydrates is to give energy to our body. There are different sources of carbs: fruits, vegetables, grains. Grains are also buckwheat and oats. I haven`t read yet from somewhere, that somebody suggests to skip whole grain oatmeal porridge in the morning or not to take buckwheat as a side to lunch. In another hand other grain based foods like bread, are "not good" for a person, who want`s to be or get to the shape. I have to disagree with latest sentence. You should or even have to eat bread, if You want to get good fuel/energy to Your body.

To be clear, not all breads are equal by nutritional value, but this doesn`t mean, that You shouldn`t eat one or another. One great tasting wholegrain butter croissant with great coffee in superb company is something You should have. But, coming back to the first sentace, there is difference in bread. To eat white bread from refined flour or wholegrain seedy bread makes a difference. Latest mentioned has more fibers, which help to keep Your stomach in good health. Fibers slow down digestion of carbohydrates and thanks to the fact of using whole grain, there is also a great deal of vitamins and minerals.
It means, my nutrition contains definitely healthy and tasty breads, which I eat enough to nourish my body with good sources of carbs and to give energy also to my brain. Brain, organ which needs by different informational sources 150g of carbohydrates a day, to work in good condition 🙂
What vitamins and minerals are in bread then?
I mentioned before, that whole grain flour contains more vitamins and minerals, than in white flour.  Hereby list of micro nutrients, what You can get from bread: magnesium , potassium, iron, zinc, vitamins B1 and B9 and vitamin E. For what these are good, You can get an answer from dr Google 😉 And also an overview, how much veggies You have to eat, in order to get the same amount of fiber, what You can get from 5-6 slices of whole grain rye bread. Here it comes: 14 apples or 21 carrots or 25 tomatoes or 6 pounds of cucumbers. Of course I will use veggies to my sandwich, cause You need them also 🙂

Have a nice evening/day/night 🙂
[…] Fibre is important for body for many reasons, starting from digestive health and ending up with longer fullness feeling whilst dieting. About sources of fibre I have written here. […]
[…] Whole grain bread is a great source of good carbs for fueling Your body. They contain also vitamins and minerals, which are good for Your health. More about it You can read in the article Bread and fitness, do these two fit together? […]
[…] Largely because of their satiating power, eggs have been linked with fat loss. A study on this produced some remarkable results: Over an eight-week period, people ate a breakfast of either two eggs or a bagel, which contained the same amount of calories. The egg group lost 65% more body weight, 16% more body fat, experienced a 61% greater reduction in BMI and saw a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference! However bread is also important part of persons healthy diet and why You should eat bread is written in article Bread and fitness, do these two fit together? […]